Topoguidebook High Tatra
Topoführer der Hohen Tatra in den Karpaten, Slovakia. Beschrieben sind 19
Gebiete mit meist alpinen Sportklettertouren in bestem Granit.
In the past the High Tatras were glaciated, the polished rocks and numerous
lakes are evident of this. In early summer snow is still to be found at the
foot of the cliffs and in descent gullies. Crampons and ice axe are therefore
The routes can be up to 900 m in length, the best rock being in the South and
West. This is why the routes here are more popular. In the last two years, a
group of local climbers have tried to set a route into the face with bolts. In
any of the other most frequented routes, fixed bolts (or pitons) are only
sporadically. Most descents do not require an abseil. Climbs are graded with
the UIAA system; a comparison with French grades is given. Ridge traverses
provide mountaineers with easy climbs of grade II and I. There are mountain
huts for overnight accommodation. Alternatively climbs can be accessed from
the valleys but expect a long walk-in!