A 2015 climbing guidebook describing routes of all grades on Gran Canaria –
the guide contains a full suite of photo-topos to all the crags and boulders
as well as a full set of detailed maps making getting to the chosen crag
straightforward. The guide has been written and published by some of the
island’s keen activists so all the information is bang up-to-date: Spanish and
English text throughout…
The Climbo Guide is intended for rock climbers of all levels interested in
exploring Gran Canaria’s routes. With an easy and accessible method you will
be able to orient yourself around the most popular areas on the island and get
to know its main crags. Thanks to close contact with equippers and experienced
rock climbers this guide offers you the exclusive technical information you
will need to explore securely the different ravines on the island.
This Guidebook will not only help you expand your rock climbing expertise and
knowledge, but will accompany you in this adventure while you discover the
natural beauty of the island and its people.
Guía de Escalada Deportiva en Gran Canaria
La Guía Climbo está dirigida a escaladores de todos los niveles interesados en
explorar las rutas de Gran Canaria. Con nuestro método claro y accesible
podrás orientarte por las zonas más frecuentadas de la isla y conocer sus
principales escuelas.
Gracias al contacto directo con equipadores y escaladores experimentados, esta
guía te ofrece la información técnica exclusiva que necesitarás para
adentrarte de forma segura en los diversos barrancos de Gran Canaria.
Además de ayudarte a ampliar tus conocimientos y experiencia de escalada, la
Guía Climbo te acompañará en esta aventura en la descubrirás la riqueza
natural de la isla y su gente.