Montenegro – Bjelasica and Komovi, inc Biogradska Gora National Park
Map and Hiking Guide
Hiking Guide: This richly illustrated guide describes the most scenic hiking
tours, which can be varied and combined in a lot of ways, in one of the most
diverse and fascinating mountain ranges in Montenegro.
The guide also provides useful information about the five towns that surround
the Biogradska Gora National Park and the Bjelasica mountains, about the
nature and the landscape, as well as useful addresses and phone numbers,
detailed height profiles and extracts from 1:50 000 and 1:75 000 topographical
maps, overview road map at 1:200 000.
Mountain-tourist mao: 1:60 000 marked with national park boundaries, marked
paths, huts, caves, drinking water spots, cart tracks, mountain huts,
viewpoint, resting places etc. Also includes details of Bjelasica Ski Centre –
runs and lifts.