Autumn 2010; Issue 32, HOPE DIES LAST
The Climbing Life:
Katie Lambert falls, then mends; Clint Helander quoths the raven; and
Gallaudet Howard writes more fiction.
First Ascent:
In 1994 Alex Lowe was the ‹undisputed chief› of the North American climbing
community. He was also a great mentor to his friends. After an attempt on a
new ice climb ended in wild flight, Lowe gave Doug Chabot the courage to
finish Airborne Ranger. Doug Chabot
Full Value:
In 1981 Phil Broscovak plotted a first winter ascent on a terrifying Black
Canyon wall—an exploit that seemed a sure way to enter the history books. The
result proved to be one of his ‹wildest wild hairs› ever. Phil Broscovak
Off Belay:
It was a dark and stormy ridge…. Jamie Givens