80 of the finest climbs of the British Island (Klassiker!)
The climbs chosen – from Scotland, the Lake District, Wales and the outlying
sea cliffs and crags – reflect the rich historical traditions and development
of British climbing. The climbs range from the early Lakeland explorations of
the last century on Napes Needle and Pillar Rock, to the more recent ‹instant›
classics such as Ardverikie Wall and Squareface. A distinguished group of
author/climbers have contributed essays – Showell Styles, Malcolm Slesser,
Mike Banks, Lord Hunt, Jim Perrin and Anthony Greenbank.
Collectively they give an insight into the pleasure and demands to be
experienced on these famous climbs. A remarkable portfolio of photographs
produced by the sport’s best ,photographers sets the final stamp of interest
on a book that all climbers, old and young, are sure to enjoy and value.