Les gorges de la Dourbie moins célèbres que celles du Tarn, offre pourtant des voies incontournables, que ce soit au Boffi, à Cantobre, ou à Laumet.
- Vous trouverez un style et un caillou différent sur chaque site.
- Ce topo inclut également les gorges du Cernon
176 pages en couleur, format large de 16x20cm.
Traduit en anglais
La Dourbie is the little brother of Le Tarn and La Jonte in terms of climbing. But with its climbing areas le Boffi and Cantobre real highlights are waiting for you. Super sport climbing routes in impressive nature make the climbing heart beat faster. As in the neighboring areas of La Jonte and Le Tarn, you need to bring a certain level of climbing technique if you want to let off steam here. The guide is more modern in its new edition. It now has color photo topos, brief descriptions of the sector, the material needed, info on the approach, good site plans and useful symbols / pictograms. It now also includes the Cernon gorge.
176 pages
Language French / English