Subtitled: California Rock Climbers in the Seventies this book showcases the
antics of a small band of young, mainly American, rock climbers that rewrote
the climbing conventions. Dubbed the `Stone Masters`, they were loud, proud,
smoked dope and took the light stuff seriously and the serious stuff lightly.
Produced to the same superb standard as Yosemite in the Sixties the book is
packed with Dean Fidelman’s archival photographs from the era plus tales from
John Long, one of the original `Stone Masters`, recalling the highs and lows
of this magical time.
The Stonemasters were clearly the best Yosemite climbers of their era, but it
was their lifestyle that rippled across the little pond that was U.S. climbing
in the 1970s and soon climbers in Colorado, New England, Washington, and
Europe began to dress, talk, and act like the Stonemasters. That`s the spirit
of this book; it remains the Zeitgeist of American rock climbing.