A Guide to Best Rockclimbing Venues in Victoria, Australia
This is a lavishly produced selected guide and as the title suggests covers
Mount Arapiles, The Grampians and Mount Buffalo. The guide is packed with
stunning action shots, really good full colour photo-topos as well as lots of
area maps accompanied by detailed area descriptions – an absolute must for the
visiting rock climber.
Sublime Climbs is a brilliant guidebook to the very best rock-climbing venues
in Victoria. This 380 page full-colour extravaganza covering Mt Arapiles, Mt
Buffalo and the Grampians includes:
over 700 rock-climbs, meticulously described
-123 stunning action climbing photos plus evocative panoramic photos
-32 ‘locator’ photos (including a dazzling array of aerial photos)
-158 photo-topos, incorporating a colour-coded grade range system
-36 maps