Absprunghöhe ist ein dehnbarer Begriff. Was es mit dem Highball-Bouldern
tatsächlich auf sich hat, geht Rocky Mountain Highball auf den Grund.
Hohe Boulder zu klettern, ist nicht nur gefährlich, sondern auch reizvoll.
Warum diese Kombination so unwiderstehlich ist, erklären in ‹Rocky Mountain
Highball› zum Beispiel Paul Robinson, Lynn Hill oder Kevin Jorgesson.
‹Rocky Mountain Highball› is a new climbing film that presents an in depth
look into why some climbers push themselves to boulder at the vertical limit.
The film documents the many facets of bouldering by interweaving numerous
classic climbs in Colorado with interview footage from the leading figures of
the climbing world.
Director/Filmmaker Scott Neel, and Yama Studio have brought in a huge cast of
world renowned climbers, like Paul Robinson, Mark Wilford, Kevin Jorgeson,
Lynn Hill, Daniel Woods, John Sherman, John Gill, Steve Mammen, and Jason
Kehl. Having filmed more than 70 climbs with more than 35 athletes, this film
proves to be an exciting journey through the world of highball bouldering.