Die beste erste Informationsquelle vor einer Boulderreise nach Neuseeland! In
Zusammenarbeit mit Südinsel und Castle Hill Führerautor Ivan Vostinar
geschaffen, sagt Dir die interaktive Zero to Five degrees DVD alles, was Du
über das beste Bouldern unseres Planeten wissen musst!
This should be your first DVD before visiting Castle Hill, NZ!
The original approach to a climbing DVD is the first of a series of Visual
guides showcasing the top bouldering destinations around the world. Unlike
conventional climbing videos, this DVD guides you around each bouldering
destination with an informative interactive feature that allows you to find
out more about the bouldering area. By pressing ‹enter› on your DVD player at
specific times during the Interactive Feature, you will be transported to a
completely different section that provides you with even more information
about the particular problem. Select other features such as, Visual Beta
Guides; Maps; and Interviews to access a wealth of knowledge about Castle